Me finally launching this Thermos bento set which I redeemed loooonggg time ago from Eon Credit Card....been sitting in the store room until that day I saw it again....I think man was right about us as a woman....they always say..."My wife lar....when things go offer, beli then simpan tomorrow again offer, beli then
My lunch today left over from last nite dinner....from left Fried English Gourd, Spring Onions & Preserved Salted Vegetable Omelette Eggs, Stew Coca-cola Chicken & Gohan (Japanese rice)
See I told you so the bento set too small...I need to get another bento box to fix in my gohan....haih...nice bento set with expensive price but not practical despite we still own it indeed!
human is liddat lar after coming back to work from weekend don't you?....yet today I've been yawning for dunno how many zillions time liau....not many challenging enquiry coming in though...only I need to fix up some filling job but hey that's the boring part...since boss is not in I can hear some ladies in my office was chit chatting & gossiping with each's why some bosses don't like to hired ladies staff....hehehehehe
And I did not make any bento for today so I went roaming at Subang Parade...take a quick lunch....what else?...Macdonald McValue Lunch set lar then go to the Cold Storage to do some marketing....besides some vegetables I got this....
It's Japanese snack (biscuits stick) but made in fact I bought for Leon boy for fun time...he such fortunate lor as he will have some snack time before go to his afternoon no no!...I'm not encourage him for "rubbish" snack lar...I think it's better than titbits kuah as main ingredient was milk...Then dunno why out of sudden 2 sticks jump out from the package and landed to....
Mummy's working station! lar the truth is this naughty Mummy steals from the package for her snack today afternoon to cure the sleepy eyes....mmmm...yummy! guys shall try it ler and it's aint cheap ay.....RM8.49 for 16 sticks niah....and you know what?..I got addicted!....
How ar? there spend money for belly dancing class but the other hand munching away those nasty food....muahahahaha....
My lil' one enjoy and giggles out loud when he sees me practicing my belly dancing and I leave the rest of the story as below here.....
Mummy wait!..Let me tight up my belly dancing belt properly first....
OK Mummy...I'm ready!...can on the music now....
*Note : please excuse my messy background as my house was like disaster during weekend with that lil'one at home ok*
I guess all of you know that tomorrow is Earth Hour campaign for one hour from 8.30pm - 9.30pm you guys support?...This is will be the first time Malaysia takes part in Earth Hour.....
Well, if each of ALL Malaysians are cooperate into this campaign can you imagine how beautiful was the natural bright from the moon and stars?....I think must be very very beautiful indeed!
Honestly, with this campaign also we can take the opportunity to know better each by gather all of our families members then those long long old story will start to come from the old folks eg.."you know ar those day hor and blablablabla....abo then no lights? no TV what else you can do? make it more fun I think in between can have makan makan sessions with candle
So if you love your planet and wants the planet to sustained forever and ever, can I borrow just one of your finger to switch off the light for that 1 hour?
It's call Amezcua Bio Disc which can help for miracle naturally healing power wor....It's a round clear glass about our palm taken from the web is 9cm diameter + 10mm of thickness and weight 130 grams product from Germany....technically engineered natural minerals structurally bonded in glass at a molecular level using high head fusion method....long story cut short it's man made lor....OK I will mentioned some important points benefits from this product can help ladies like you or me who likes to hear.....
1) Water retention problems
2) Skin pigmentation and scars
3) Indigestion
4) Poor memory like me after giving birth...hehehe
5) Constipation
6) Tones up skin texture and makes you look younger
7) Promotes detoxification and etc etc etc.....can read more from here, here, here & here....
Other than above, it may help to cure many diseases as well....No! no! no!....I'm not trying to selling from here and not even get a paid for the advertisement I made here lar....It's not mine colleague own it (bf bought for her, so nice I jealous lar) so I was curious and ask her the details lor....she say it's also have like pendant and you can wear it like necklace wor...her one is like the above shown either can place it on bottom of your drink like coaster or immerse into your water pot ar, mineral pot ar, water dispenser ar, water tank? so big can work meh?....
well honestly I dunno lor.....
If you are interested you can ask or contact the dealer lar...I just want to share some new things that I haven't seen with you guys niah....
Whenever I ate chicken rice or wantan mee or dry mee I love to add more on the thick soya sauce....that's why don't be surprise with my bento today yeah.....muahahahaha
Dry "Tau Chiam" (soya nooddles) with cut out heart shape of boiled egg and decoration love and star shape of carrots.....
I had....
porridge for my lunch today....
with Fish cakes, salty egg and Sichuan beancurd....
Although it's a simple lunch but I feel satisfied and yummy as well....
I told hubby that I may did the right decision by asking my Mum to take care Leon boy for me during this 1 week of school break because last night I see on my own eyes that Leon boy walks his first few steps forward to me!.....I fact, I bribe him some food to urge him to walk lor....this time my bribe works lor as previous time once you let go your hands he'll immediately squad down or sit down despite showing him his favourite biscuits.....lolWell done Darling! and Gambateh!....
Yeah!...I manage to get home early today about 6.30pm and quickly continue my house cleaning as I take turn by mopping the upstair today and downstair the next day and so forth....routine mar as if mopping both at 1 time go really killing me the meantime do laundry as many round laundry this week due to Leon boy was with us this week....we have to take turn for laundry as well between hubby, Leon and me....we don't mix together as hubby's work deal with machine and spanar means soiled with those black oily thingy....
While struggling with these, I still can slot in time to prepare Pear "Tong Sui" (confection) ingredients and throw in everything into my slow post the recipe later....
Then take my bath and drive to my parent's house to meet the lil' one....when I get in to the living room...he was...
Playing on his own in the "cage" (baby cot) sweet!

While my mum's eyes stick on to the idiot box for her Astro Hokkien channel as usual lar....
We leave about 9.00pm and when we reached our home Daddy arrived too....didn't go out for dinner today, Daddy tapau "Siew Mai" for me and he settled his dinner with instant noodles....
Give lil' one some bread for nibble as he is mumbling for food for sure when he see us eating....*sigh*....
Read story book to lil' one, play with him, watched some local drama and Cantonese drama before we hit the sack about 12.00 midnite....