See how happy he is in the shopping cart....

Thanks to Daddy's itchy hand give him the display unit of cordless phone....

Looks like he's in the big mission over the phone.....talking in his baby talks...lol...
What happen next?...of course the lil' one refuse to give back....a little "fighting" with Daddy and some wailing despite forcing grab from him....abo then?...hey!...if he's accidently drop on the floor...who's going to pay?....Daddy lar hor.....man being man lar liddat if jaga anak...hehehehehehe.....
Then our Saturday and Sunday was just plain no outing to shopping complex this week....the lil' one can slept till the sun reach his buttock as old folks always say it....as normally I'll give him a feed at about 8.00am and he'll continue into his lala land till about 12.00noon or more for his next feed of porridge....since this week my mum take care him so the slow cooker is still with her and after bath check him in to my parent's house for porridge....such fortunate I am staying nearby our parents ya....

Sunday lagi syok....I fetch Leon boy as usual to my parent's there for porridge....I just tell my youngest sis...."please help me feed him porridge, Hubby and I go yam char ok".....muahahahahahaha.....
This morning when we are on our way to pil's house, I can see Leon boy's mood was like very sad maybe he knows he's not gonna meet me till the Friday come....I know because despite his favourite's song Old Macdonald normally he will move his hands and grin or laugh away when I sings along the song especially part of "Ee ar Ee ar Oh"....sometimes he will follow the singing with me but only the "Ee ar Ee ar"....not this morning....he just kept quiet till we reached there....(*sigh*)
hey, your parents cannot take care of him? where do your inlaws stay? out of town? poor mommy and daddy. only get to see leon on friday :(
Hi Barbara,
My mum could not help me to take care although the distance was very near to us because her health is not that excellent and she luv to go for morning jog everyday....but she will take over the task once in a blue moon like last week school holiday when I told her please look after Leon this week so I can meet the boy or my mil need to go back home town lor...
My pil was staying in USJ 1 place which have damn traffic jam everyday day tht's make me cannot fetch Leon in n out everyday as well...sigh...
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