Did we patched up after that, of course lar....else it's not part of married couple's life lor....sure will go through those have up and down moments....
that night I confronted him and we sat together and talk about it to find the solution....It's been our trend if there was any mis-communications or arguments we'll open talk with each other but sometimes may not end with good news as both parties cannot agree so may brought to another arguments...*sweats*...
Daddy agreed to wake up once Mummy alarmed him and give hand to Mummy if needed...so that Mummy can have enough time go touch up to whatever that she need to....lol...
Nevertheless, when I mentioned about the door....he still say...."what's so important about that stupid door"?...."don't brought up the door issue again lar"...OO ooo....so to overcome this Mummy will let Daddy to go out first then follow by Mummy lor....lol....
Hello bento's Mommies....2nd branch of Daiso will be opening soon in IOI mall, Puchong....still in the renovation progress now....and the great news is....
it's BIGGER than the located in The Curve.....aiyoyo!....can't wait the day to come lar....
Will update you guys again once I got the opening date....
It's time again to check my fridge whether any expired food sitting inside....then found dory fish which I kept quite sometime and sudden came of cooking mood so took it out soak with salt water and marinated with parsley....same as before will go for bake the dory fish....
The baked dory fish with....
Flower shape Gohan by using flower rice mould and stew potatoes with minced pork meat....Actually the Gohan is not enough as I've forgot to scoop more if to cook japanese rice compare to local rice....
Still find time to decorate my bento....sigh...
Don't know why today seems like everything not in a smooth way and at my side....all started from home this morning....Ever since Leon boy now has behave much better from his whinning episode, we enjoyed our Monday morning since then....However, other's disaster begin this morning just because of a small matter....Hubby and I had a little arguments just because of a door....can you imagine that sometimes small matter will become big matter if nobody is going to give in....
I need to wake up as early as 5.00am to prepare myself before get ready for Leon boy....after both of us ready, we'll call Daddy to wake up to help us to carry things to downstairs and open gate for us before send us goodbye by 6.00am.....yeah as I mentioned before we need to go out early to beat the massive jam later....as I'm the one who incharge to send Leon boy to mil's house in USJ 1 as my office in Shah Alam was about 6km away from mil's house whereby Hubby's one just about 15 mins drive from our Klang home....
Sometimes, I may very tired and may get up a little bit late as usual so of course I need Daddy's help by getting up early as well....isn't it....Daddy was great sleeper since ages ago....will only wake up till the last minutes....even while I was changing diaper for Leon, I ask him to wake up but he'll say "aiya, you ready liau meh"?....then close back his eyes....and I told him "yes after I finished buckle the diaper, we can go down already"....instead of getting up he''ll continue to say "haven't finished why call me up? little while more lar".....me the other side was getting stress since I woke up late today and when I peep the clock it's 6.15am!....this time a fire inside me has started fuming up liau....ask him to hurry whether he wants to kiss Leon ar? or go for nature's call ar? or drink water ar?....man mar sure alot of ding dong ding dong right?....my man was liddat other's man I dunno....do you?
Then on our way down, he just follow me without our bedroom's door close....I ask him please close the door as nowadays a lot of dengue's attack cases....he refused and told me "aiya you go down lar no need to close lar"....I repeated the same thing despite his excuses so I stop and make a turn and go up to close the door while Leon boy still in my arm....I admitted that I nags quite loud in between closing the door till I go down again....this time maybe tear out his patience with my nagging + his sleep has been interrupted so BOOM!....
He place the things back at the end of our staircase step which supposed to put into my car....he went up to the bedroom without open door, grille and gate for us as usual he done to send us before sending us off....me in the other hand also angry like him bang everything slam the door, grille and drive away without our gate close....
Nevertheless, in the car Leon boy watching at me with his pity face and you can read clearly from his expression that he understand that his Mummy is feeling sad....and he sad too!....although he still can't speak out!....
After I send off Leon boy in pil's house about 7.00am and quickly get in to my car....you know what?...jam has started when I reached the traffic light junction near Summit there....traffic light did change to green but cars seems like doesn't move at all!!!....and today I reach office about 8.00am++....FYI my office start work at 8.30am...but for me it's already call late....as I'm a type that likes to be early birds to work!...that's me....
Backdated post....
Happy Belated Valentine's Day everyone.....
For single couples or dating couples, they find Valentine's Day a special day must be celebrate....unlike me and now with a toddler will feel nothing was special but deep in heart also expect something from hubby lar....despite even though we say aiya no need lar but if the hub is not smart enough....you see lar what will happen later....woman is liddat mar....no means yes....agree?....lol....
I remember very clearly our previous Valentine's celebration, we will have advance Valentine's Dinner to escape from the crazy prices, crazy crowds & lousy services....
Hubby has been eyeing this place during our previous trip to here but to our dismay don't know why their kitchen was closed down on that day and this year it so happen many public holidays was either falls on weekend or stretch to Monday....so that day on Valentine's Day Daddy said wanna go to The Curve?....of course Mummy with a very fast response say YES!....in fact not the dinner that bribe me lor....I was thinking to check out Daiso outlet whether any new bento thingy or not lor....lol....
While we was busy preparing to go out, we tucked the lil's one in his cage....and him....
Standby the keys for us....lol....
Till now he still hates to wear cap....
Why Daddy never give up to this restaurant?....hmmm....he is a pork lover and out of so many eateries he finds that this restaurant served many varieties of pork dishes....The restaurant is....
It's Bavarian Bierhaus German Restaurant.... Did we manage to get place to seat?....Well, If you been to this restaurant before, we sit just right below the signboard....as for us nothing much to complain as we are not dating couple as many couples who see the place they will ask the waiter for better place....
actually it's not that pleasant environment if for those to propose marriage that day lar as you can't show off mar....quite isolated to others seat mar....hehehehehe...
When I flip the menu....It's all about PORK!!!!....
Even for Pork Sausages also have quite numbers of varieties....
Another pages of PORKS dishes....
This is one of their main beer in their menu for alchohol drinks ....because it's in BIG glass contain about 1 litre of beer....
And I order this Cranberry soda drink.....muahahahahaha....
Since there was so many choices, I can't actually make up my mind to order what...they have Valentine's Dinner set which served pork leg but Daddy know I don't like any others part of pork other than the lean part like fillet fillet name....end up I order dunno what pork fillet with steam corn with blablabla with blablabla with all the canggih canggih (special) name and looks like very big portion leh....
Finally, when the food come....dang dang dang dang...
See...like this niah....more than half of a steam corn with some nachos chips and the pork fillet served like satay....And Daddy's one....
Varities of pork sausages and frankfurters....
When I try the pork fillet first bite in my mouth....aiyoyo!....it's doesn't suits my taste bud....I ask Hubby..."are you sure this is pork?", "why taste so different one"?.....Hubby give one bite and told me...."Yalar....correct dear, it's pork lar"....then I told him "you like"?...."I don't want liau, you eat lar....
The name came with so special with blablablabla but for me it's not nice at all....Hub say maybe I order the wrong dish wor....He ask me wanna try the sausages and I've give up also after few bites....Hub say delicious unlike me I feel like one kind when consume so many types of sausages at the same time ler....you know like feeling geli (antipathetic to something)....
Well, did the lil' one enjoy....definately....scroll down for his food....
It's aint others than his baby biscuits....lol....
He play on his own after finished the biscuits....
Daddy give him a try to one of sausages....of course let him lick only....no problem for him as he welcome any food....Nevetheless, what did I do then?...
I tell Hub you enjoy your dinner lar, I bring Leon to Daiso.....
can you imagine he is sitting alone there having dinner on Valentine's Day?....(grinned)....
Hmmmm....that's call life after marriage?...I guess so....lolWe meet again after that and we go to the Cineplex which next to The Curve....We can still see many peoples selling flowers but only ask the dating couples lor....lol...
Did the lil' one enjoy the Valentine's Day with us?
The picture says all....
Wait!..not finished yet...I did asked hubby for the bill lor....it cost us RM200++....FYI my hubby take away the left over pork fillets lor he also full edi after ate his sausages and frankfurters....and ar I tell you the left over still sitting in my fridge till today lor......muahahahahaha....
Dear, thank you so much for the Valentine's Dinner although I'm not very enjoy the food but I really appreciate every efforts that you try to make me happy....(*Muazk*)....
I back to work on day 8th of CNY....First day of work like dragging myself as hippo....even tonnes of back log and emails reply waiting for me, my mind still floating besides missing the lil's one....of course I miss him as spent 1 whole week at home with him and day by day seems like very fast had gone...again, how time flies....back to reality lor....
Nevertheless, I know he miss me too despite he still cannot talk and waiting the day come (Friday) to fetch him home.... We went to FGS ("Fo Guang San") Dong Zen temple located in Jenjarom, Kuala Langat before Banting on day 12th of CNY with pil....after taken our dinner, we reached there about half past 9.00pm....crowded with peoples and cars....we managed park our car in front of the temple near housing estate.... walk a little distance before cross the road to enter the main gate....out of sudden I heard those RELA (Volunteers of Malaysian People) staffs shouted "Tepi! tepi! Menteri mau lalu!" (Move! move! give way to Minister!)....one of the RELA stand just beside me....so can you imagine how I felt his voice....then I see a big VIP car pass by with quite fast speed....I feel so loathe as they simply pushed away peoples even to old folks and some parents with their baby or kid on their arm....grrrrrrr....I think the car should slow down and give way to pedestrian right....or they did this for the VIP safety?....for me I just cannot agree with it....someday how I wish I can be a VIP hor so I can get this kind of treatment and priority?...hence what do you guys think?
Leon boy carried by "Mah Mah" (Paternal grandma) to cross the road...
Another shot with his "Mah Mah" (Paternal grandma)....
Daddy took over the carrying job....4 of us took turns to carry him....
One of the Pagoda background....Leon boy with "Mah Mah" (Maternal grandma), "Yeh Yeh" (Paternal grandpa) and Daddy....
Some of night shot with my lousy digital camera....
One of best shot out of so many blur vision....Every year, they would have exhibition or fair for books, vegetarian foods and organic foods but this round something attract me but the price was extortionate from outside even compare to website....it's still high so I didn't make it any....see only....
Some sample display of handwork by using the utensils that they sell....
And yeah....I admit it's very nice handwork but my mind was thinking other's way to use the utensils....
One of closer image of the handwork....
This things lar....the punchers which they use to make artwork but for me what else if not bento-ing purpose leh....lol...
They have 2 sizes, I know they sell expensive but I've forgot which to which liau....this I think small one sell for RM13.00 per piece lor....size about 1-1cm niah lar....At first I have the urge to buy lor....I make a few rounds ler to think to buy or not to buy till my hub knock me off then only I wake up lor....as he told me "you finished shop liau or not as we wants to go other place liau"....I ask him to leave me there and I will join you guys later but he insist me to follow him....how lucky I am hor if not don't know end up how much of $$$$ fly liau lor....then come back home with regret ler.....lol...
Nothing happy for Leon boy than this slide....
Up he go with Daddy's help....
And BIG SMILE when slide down....
What do you think he's doing?
He try to climb to the top from front to slide again....well, nobody teach him that....*roll eyes*...
Camwhoring with some card board statue of "Little Buddha"....
Another one with "Little Shaolin"....
And another one his head stuck out with "Little Kung Fu Shaolin"....
Nothing much we could see anymore as the lights was slowly off one by one....this year they have GIANT MOO MOO statue sponsered by Dutch Lady with lightings but did not make it there so we make a move....we reached home about almost 1.00am after sent pil back....
We were lucky this year too as "Chap Goh Meh" falls on public holiday for Thaipusam which is on Monday so another stretch holiday for 3 days....On day 14th of CNY afternoon, we have lunch at my parent's home and night guess where were we?....
The lil' one was "kepoh-ing" (busybody) flipping the menu to order something for him....
We enjoy our dinner while the lil' one munching his biscuits....
And surprise for him coming from his back, the waiter gave him a ballon....
See how excited is him with ballon despite his mouth still full with biscuits....Have the answer already?....Well we were having late dinner in TGIF at The Curve....That's how the 2 weeks of CNY gone.... I hope you guys enjoy your MOO MOO CNY too....