Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, December 26, 2008

My little Chatter Box

Also backdated post....

If one fine day I need to take care the lil's one at nite, I think I need a earplugs as he was very talkative with his baby talks which I cannot understand most of his words....keep on babbling non-stop...
yeah it's cute to see him when you have nothing to do but but but you will feel irritating sometimes if you happen need a quiet moment to use your brain to think or sleeping time....those clearest words than I understand were mum mum (when he sees you eating), up up (when he needs your help to stand up or he wants a carry), mi mi mi (yeah it's me), yeh yeh (my father-in law) mother-in law jealous lor as most of time she's the one who take care him but never call her mah mah and mai mai (means don't want) I also dunno why it turns out in Hokkien dialect for this word as he exposed only to few languages like Cantonese, English, Mandarin & Hailam....but not Hokkien at all ler....

These recorded video shown him with his "up" word and practising his duckling walking...


Anonymous said...

wow..bravo. he can speak simple words already? smart boy :D

Marilyn said...

Dear Barbara,

Mayb he resemble his mom so "chi cha"...hahahaha