Continue from here Taiwan Trip (Part 3) I forgot to write down the hotel address that I stay in case you guys intend to visit Taipei, Taiwan one day.
Grand Forward Hotel
No.189, Sec.1, Sianmin Blvd.,
Banciao City, Taipei 220.
Taiwan.Reservation Room contact number : 02-2965-8008Email : fact, once you have the map it's not difficult to get from a place to another place in Taipei as their MRT is very much convenient...Most of the places there was just walking distance from MRT station...unlike in Malaysia whereby you still have to look for cab or bus after get down from LRT or commuter train to reach your destination...
Oh yeah....time to nag my sucks experience the day I come back to Malaysia....
Wake up as early as 4.00am to get ready myself and pack my luggage...when I got down to the hotel lobby to check out, I already see the driver waiting for me with his read it right it's a 12 seater van so can you imagine how big is my parts that I need to handcarry back?
I have to go to the group company first to collect my parts as they work overnight to rush the job for me...My eyes bling after I saw the packages while talking to myself..oh am I going to handle this alone man....2 cartons with each size of about 1 meter length x 1/2 meter height...
Then I ask the guy...where is proforma invoice? his mouth open wide..cannot understand
lar and I do not know how to translate in chinese for that word ok.
.hand signal not going to work this time...go up to the factory...yes..the factory were located at 7th floor...the guy starting to call the person who normally deal with me...hallo who is going to answer phone at 5.00am in the morning? the other lady who always prepare proforma invoice for shipment...also cannot get....then it so happen this lady was one of their engineer's wife...lucky his husband's handphone is 24 hr switch on...pass to his wife...when I talked to her I was fuming like mad woman
edi...she is pushing the responsiblity to each other...she say "not I do one lar...suppose Connie"
neh the 1st person that I call one
lar.."I think she forget
lar"...then me how????? if they not let me boarding then I have to stay for another day just to wait for that stupid proforma invoice?????I dont want ok....I tell her later if they reject me how? can you give me your handphone number?...she is adding more fume to my mad..she say "it's useless to give you my handphone number as I will not switch on"...come one I came all the way to here can't she tolerate to help me
meh? least there is number for me to refer if I need help right?"Ok
lar you call my house"..
After write down her stupid house number, hang up and rush to airport...
ding dong ding dong till the time almost 6.00am and from here to airport gonna takes another 40 flight take off at 8.00am...I still need time to check in
leh, boarding
Reach airport download the cartons and sucks as their trolley was too small thus I still stacked the 2 cartons together..imagine a trolley being pushed choice
lar...abo then 2 hands can handle 2 trolleys
When I check in, there is a guy at the ticketing counter..I think he is a head dept of the ticketing department
lar...raise quite a high pitch to me...."what's in your carton?
so big one"
...told him prototype he huh? then told him it's dummy mock up he also
huh? that's why I beg for proforma invoice
lar...."your cartons is too big cannot go load in to the cabin"! unless you change to tomorrow flight as tomorrow flight is didn't check your flight one
Told him No! I must get back to Malaysia by today..any other way so that I can do so that can go thru your cabin storage?...solution is
sigh...ask him where is repacking centre...he keep on exasperating at me and say go there and find
lar...I ask again roughly where is it?...he repeat again with high voice and say go there and find lar!....and me what else....^*^@$%#%^&#*^*& this call customer service?
pui pui pui...
The ticketing lady remind me to come back again within 20 mins... here and there like mad cow..what's more the 2 cartons is not light ok.....just imagine how a cow run...finally got the repacking centre...luckily no queue at all...ask her to get the things done for between I help her also come a lady work in this kind of job one?...Meanwhile I check the counter..only accept cash...
sigh...told her that I left only NST1000 (RM118) is that enough?...thank God!..the amount was just nice....I was doubt to use all my Taiwan money last night in Ximending as it's gonna cause the conversion shrink when I come back to Malaysia lucky I am....sweats....
Done and run the errands like mad cow again all the way to the ticketing counter to check then the queue were getting longer and longer the man again.
neh..just now keep saying my cartons is big....pass by me and say
ar...liddat can go in to the cabin
liau....I #@%^#%#^ at his back....
To my turn to check in...another problem
pulak....overweight by 27 kgs...have to tax me NST10800!!!! (RM1,274.40)..."miss take this and pay at the counter there but come back within 20 mins"...again?...this mad cow no strength to run but still have to run
lar!!!!!!....queue is not long but process were slow.....@%#^&&&$&$ worried I might miss the flight
Finally, settle everything got my boarding pass....lay down my butt on the relieve I am....while enjoy my relaxing a guy next to me ask..."wow miss what's in your cartons just now
hor? very big
huh...why not you send thru DHL or FedEx"? see
lar how famous I am after a few competition of running.....
If the things can be done by courier services I will not be here today
lor.....and no need tax again for RM100 when check out from Malaysia custom check
Reminder for me : Will not go for handcarry next time..let the sales person handle it....