A place where I nags, blogs my lousy cooking, baking and of course for me to jot down our lil'one precious moment...
Friday, October 31, 2008
My Leon boy is down with HFMD!!!!
Buzy sending message and sms to call off to cancell his 1st birthday party this coming Saturday 1st/Nov. Of course I don't want later spread to other kids ler....
Luckily I have sil who bring him too see doctor while mummy is not around. Paeds say he got the HFMD due to contact with other children...(must be he got it during open house that day as we went to 2 open house but dunno which house lor) Paeds also say no worry mild niah lar but still worried mar...Mil told me he been cranky as when feeding time or thirsty he can't drink as mouth pain due to ulcer...soiled about 10 hankys per day....
Get scolded from my mum as she say already told me not to bring my son to crowded place. She say "you never read newspaper meh? so many HDFM cases recently still want to go party party and what's more come back home late nite"
So tell mil that not going to bring him home tonite as need to do 1 round of house cleaning first..will pick him up tomorrow morning.
Sorry Darling, mummy is not around beside you when you are in the pain...you know how I miss you but hope you understand as mummy is busy with the works...Daddy and mummy love you as always....Take care ya! and get well soon...Looking forward to see your normal action back.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Bento Craze Stuffs Sales Episode 2
Item 1.) Mickey Mouse Lunch box with 2 divider and spoon + chopstick - RM13.90 / pc
Size : approx. 12cm x 17.5cm (SOLD OUT)

Item 2.) Doraemon Lunch Box with 2 divider and spoon + chopstick - RM13.90 / pc
Size : approx. 12cm x 17.5cm

Item 3.) Doraemon shape Lunch Box with 2 divider - RM13.90 / pc
Size : approx. 12cm x 21cm

Item 4.) Ginger couple shape cutter for cheese, ham & vegetables - RM9.90 / set of 2 pcs

Item 5.) Colorful Sea Creatures Food Picks - RM12.90 / set of 20 pcs
Crab, Fish, Sea Horse, Turtle

Item 6.) Pastel color Sea Creatures Food Picks - RM12.90 / set of 20 pcs
Crab, Fish, Sea Horse, Turtle

p/s : Price stated above excluded shipping cost. Will use Pos Laju or other courier services. From RM6.00 and above depends on total weight. Shipping cost TBA upon order confirmation. Payment can be made to my maybank2u.com. If you interested to purchase one, please email me at marilyn_hong@yahoo.com and leave down your contact no. or email address and I'll get back to you asap. Thank you.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Birthday Bash
But definately a simple cake is a must for him on his big day!..Tought of having him a Barney jelly cake instead. Maybe will make a order from Madam Lee...
Some photo shots for 2 birthday parties that I went...
1st birthday party - My ex-colleague Zalika's son celebrating 1st birthday 11/Oct/2008

the birthday boy and mummy (love his eyelashes, so curve)

one of his pose before the cake cutting session start....

he is wondering why someone took off his candle...lol

aiming at his furture wife ar?...hahahahahah
2nd birthday party - My cousin sister's twins girl also 1st birthday 19/Oct/2008

Dunno Twin 1 or Twin 2 ler I did ask but forgot liau....carrying by her grandma

this one also I confuse and forgot liau...dunno Che Che or Mei Mei lar.... with her Daddy

Now you know why the twins girl looks pretty? You see their mummy lor.. Looks pretty and elegant leh...hahaha

Out of sudden, the twins cried due to Birthday song played too loud...1 cry the other will also cry...sweat...

After some "cooling session" from mummy they calm down...as always mummy is the best theraphy rite?
Looking at the adorable twins girl makes me itchy to have another bb girl lar.....(saliva dropping down) Hey wake up!...Of course not now at this moment...raising a child now is not easy as living cost is getting higher and higher besides economy is not doing well out there too.....sigh....
Monday, October 20, 2008
Daddy and Mummy Proud of You!
Actually my mil did told me before that there is one day he told his grandma that he want to pooh wor...but I told her maybe it's coincident for that day niah lar....the story goes like this, she is feeding him water but he refuse to drink by stretching his whole body and say "ng ng ng" then my mil ask him "what are you doing"? "like want to pooh pooh one"...he keep on repeat "ng ng ng" so she try to put him on potty...really pooh lor....
Recently pulak, last week Friday (17th/Oct/2008) kekeke..kiasumum is like that hor..wht's more jotting down the date....he is with my mum as mil went back to TI...my youngest sister told me the story..she say the lil' one crawled to her and say "ng ng ng" and same question ask him "what you want"? you want to pooh ar"...he repeat "ng ng ng" quickly take potty to him and it's true lor came out 3 pcs with quite a good size....mine you...beh tahan...fully described with how many shits out....
luv to see this photo while he sleeping...so peaceful and free of problems..
And this.....
maybe he is thinking what others new achievement to get another praised from his daddy and mummy?
Well done Darling...5 stars from daddy and mummy...ting! ting! ting! ting! ting! Keep in up!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Potty Trained since day 1
I've heard many mummies out there who will have nightmare when come to potty train their child. They just refused to sit on the potty..some will yelling or screaming loud when see the potty coming to them...hahahahha...I'm glad because my Leon boy were potty trained since the day he born. He likes us to pull his legs up and ask him to poo....but still will happen lar once a while he'll poo in his diaper...Thus, I've save quite a lot of wet tissues as well....lol....
"syok" playing with the mineral water bottle while doing his "big business"...
In between enjoy his Barney's DVD show
Continue playing with the mineral water bottle
Asking for help....
Of course he can't collect himself...help from his mummy lor...lol
Still enjoying playing with the mineral water bottle....
And look back to the TV when he hear Barney singing....Sigh..."Pangsai" also need some intertainment.
Well done darling..Keep it up!...Mummy and Daddy love Leon boy....
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Am I getting old or I need a Magnifying Glass?
Thru tele-conversation :-

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Art of Sleeping
This is according to old folks lar...wonder it's a myth? but all this it's depend on you whether you want to believe or not and due to some babies who cry often will have stomach pain as consume too much air inside the tummy or maybe he / she cry due to stomach pain... but some old folks would say dunno kena what liau lar...dunno who say something infront of the baby liau lar n blablablabla and so on....So this is why some modern mummy out there will have some argument with confinement lady, or mil or even our own mother agree?
Some parents may listen to old folks to do that lar to do this lar as some babies were pantang to say good things infront of him / her.....blablablabla wor...
Thus, the parents will do anything as long as to get the baby to end up the crying episode lor...
Aiya... talk so much here but nothing related to the topic....hahahaha....
Here I would like to share my Leon boy his art of sleeping....first few months I need to pat him to make him sleep before put him into his cot, then slowly he likes to lie down on my chest till he knock off before throw him to his coat...Lately pulak once he fell asleep when I carry him to his coat he will out of sudden wake up and whinning..I think I can guess his meaning lar...trying to tell me that I want to share the bed with Daddy and Mummy...once I put him back to our bed he will immediately stop whinning and fall asleep back like nothing happen....sigh
No doubt our is King size bed but we still feel it's quite crowded leh...what to do give in lar so that we can get to sleep lor...
He's quote a "gentlemen" when the time he used to sleep in his cot as he will still in the same position by the next morning so sometimes in the midnite I'll change his position....
Recently after sharing bed with us...you see lar his style......
Monday, October 13, 2008
A So so so Sunday
Well...she still cooked porridge for Leon boy early in the morning and my dad sent to me...oh yeah my dad will sometimes do delivery also...don't jealous hor...that's make me more lazy to cook lor.....and fyi I'm a lousy cooker as well especially to estimate the quantity need for eg. 2 serving...most of the time I'll cooked more than the original serving (this always kena "hantam" from hubby).....lol....muahahahaha...
Don't know why out of sudden I feel like to cook Pumpkin and Oyster rice...not only that lar I intend to clear some of my fridge's stuff also lor....so I wake as early as 6.40am go to Pasar pagi and get some long beans, garlic, dried oyster & onions (Ok hub, I try to agak-agak the quantity need this time serving for 2)
But but but...before that let me show you guys something when I check my fridge the day before...jeng jeng jeng....
Yellow onion which keep too long in the fridge till the leaves grow nicely on it...
When I see the date..oh my gosh...see below for close up

Since 30/01/2008..you see lar how terrible I am....paiseh paiseh (shame)
OK lar...stop laughing liau....now back to the main topic....Ingredient to cook Pumpkin & Oyster Rice as per below :-
1.Dried oyster approx. 100g (can add more for those oyster lover)
2.Long beans 6 sticks (cut slices)
3.Pumpkin approx 300g (cut into cubes)
4.Garlic (chop), Ginger (cut in slices) and Shallots (chop) (this portion I also agak-agak one)
and ok I admit the gingers looks ugly and rough as I'm not good in cutting..
5.Rice 2 small standard scoop (serving for 2)
OK guys, below is the step and I hope you guys can understand as I also not good in explanation for those cooking method.
1. Fry gingers, garlics & shallots till golden brown then put aside.
2. After that fry pumpkin, long beans, dried oyster, washed rice together with fried gingers, garlics & shallots. Add some soy sauce, salt, seasoning, sugar (about 3 mins only as will cook all this in the rice cooker later)
3. Now, final step throw everthing into the rice cooker and add water according like normally we cook rice how much rice will equally to how much water consume. (this also depends what type of rice you use lor as some may need less water or the other way round).
4. Switch the ON button and wait till the rice cook and serve.
Mine result is....TADAAA...
Hub say add too much water liau...sigh....
In the afternoon feed porridge to Leon boy and after finished when I go to the kitchen to wash his bowl, this pulak happen..... below pictures show all.....
These day, the lil one really clingy can't see me out of his sight sometimes....the photo showed that he follow me to the kitchen and pull my legs...actually he is trying to standing up by pulling my legs but he keeps failed so turn into short of whinning "drama" and mummy have to wash the bowl as fast as lightning..."cham mou"