Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Leon boy at 24 months....

We had a simple 2nd Birthday celebration for Leon boy on 6th Nov 2009....just gathering among close family members attended by parents-in-law, brother & sister-law with their kids, my parents and my siblings....

The little cheeky Birthday boy....

Red Eggs did like last year with written his name on it....

Same goes for his Jelly Birthday Cake, ordered with Madam Lee again this year with theme Lighting McQueen....ya ya his favourite toys now is CARS!....

Candle No. 2 was ready for the blast to begin....

Family photo with brother & sister-in-law's kids....

See how impatient he was....can't wait to cut ("mess") the Jelly Cake....

"Who's next wants the Jelly Cake"?, "let me cut out for you"

Still not giving up with the "mess"

Can you see how's the Jelly Cake turn out?

Opening present session was help out by Leon's cousins....

Beaming smile from ear to ear when he saw CARS again!....

Photos with Daddy, Uncle (brother-in-law) and his boy with the new collection of the cars...."Thank you, Sok-sok" (Uncle)....

Happy Birthday Dearest Leon boy!....Love you!....

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