Me, as usual another very back back dated post....
Hallo there!....anybody miss me ar?....hehe....perasan hor....damn lazy nowadays to upload photos besides brain freeze dunno what to write....just some short update for my Leon boy....
He's been very cheeky with lots of bubbly talk recently till need our attention not to say any rough words which he'll follow after us (*faint) the way he talks with his unclear pronunciation
Development :-
Weight : Didn't measure
Height : Didn't measure as well (make sure I'll do it for next update ok)
Teething : Same as last update still left upper & lower second molar to erupt.
Feeding :-
2 main course meal in between with 7.5 oz to 8 oz of formula milk (3 times daily) and not forget some snacking time as well eg. biscuits, bread or anything that we eat he wants some portion too....and yeah of course with those food that he can eat lar....
Dexterity :-- Know how to feed himself with our guidance.
- Know how to differentiate between tree and flower as previously any plants, tree or colorful flower he'll call (fower) flower.
- Able follow after us when we read to him.
- Calculating from 1 - 10 but will miss no. 2, 4, 6, 8 but we proud of him tough.
- Will pass or walk to us the empty bottle after he finished it.
- Able to recognise red and white color only....will put more efforts to teach him about colors....
- Others like eg. our part time helper as he's such a light butt, he'll give us a hand when we need him....surely for light job only
Naughtiness :-- Choose a VCD or DVD that he wants to watch and bugging us to win over the IDIOT box!
- Find a way to get out from his cot like the other day his new trick wailing for wanting to do his pooh-pooh business so that we can carry him out asap to reach for potty and then he will grin away sitting on the potty while his finger points here and there for toys to company him but after all there's no outcome even sitting there for about 1/2 hour.

These photo was taken back during our shopping in Giant early this month....
Show his pity face sitting inside the trolley....Why?
His buttock pain mar sitting o the trolley wihout support but after Daddy place the cushion for him, he smile happily....
He's going in to his terrible 2 in another 1 more months++....Wow! time flies, really fast I shall say....I may organise a mini party for him perhaps or just among close family members like last year....Last year his mini 1st birthday party has been cancelled due to HFMD that he got....Well, we'll see how later lar....
Happy 21 & 22 months my little Darling!....Daddy and Mummy misses you everyday without fail....Luv you!
Yesterday was hub's birthday and I surprise him with Home made Chicken Chop....summary was Western food were easy to prepare the ingredients but time consuming during cooking....whereby Oriental food was lots of hard work when preparing the ingredients thus once your wok ready you just pour everything in it and then fry same goes with soup as well, just pour everything in the pot....agree? Hub's comment was the Chicken too dry as he loves gravy dishes but I quite love it!....
Home made Chicken Chop served with Salad aka Coleslaw, Mashed Potatoes goes with premix gravy from Knorr which in powder form and stir boiled till starchy with low fat milk as the water base....Anyway, here leon boy and I wanna wish him "Happy Birthday" and hopes for many many more happy days to return....
I had this for my lunch today, simple yet delicious.....
Mini Oinari stuff with Gyoza at bottom layer and top of Mayonnaise mix with Tuna Flakes, chopped Crabstick, smash Boil egg and Corns....
There was one day when the lil' one was trying to grab Daddy's pen when Daddy's were busy wrote something on a paper, when we saw his eagerness we knew that this fella is going to the next development.
Indeed, we bought him a doodle....let him draw whatever he want besides can train his hand and fingers muscle / skill although we know the way he holding the pen was wrong, we believe that when he's ready for it he'll do it correctly....
So serious with his work....
Clear it off and write again....
Another very very backdated post....
Gyoza with Fried Omelette, Siew Pak Choy & Luncheon Meat....
He's imitating me the way how I usually folding the clothes....
Very very backdated post....
It's very clearly that my bento-ing world has stop like for ages to brush up my skill leh liddat?....anyway I'm still looking forward that I could make it everyday for my breakfast and lunch....hehehehe....
My lunch on that day....Gyoza lay with Fried Vegetables & Zucchini....