OK, I know I'm lame to say those words again and again....
Too many things to update and yet little time to do so, wish I could have more than 24 hrs /day so that I have more time to relax before the next day come. Tell you what, I'm not ready for #2 because I sees my colleagues, pantry, my workstation more than my home. Spend mostly 12 hrs / day in the office + 30 mins driving home else 40 mins - 1 hr if there was massive traffic jam. I'm not a very high post in my management nor lowest one like clerical / admins job. Thus, sometimes I need to do so as well. Blame to who? my management which manage by my lousy boss? or my attitude of works have problem instead?....By the time I reach home, take shower & dinner in between laundry task, cleaning task & etc etc...Hubby told me you spend too much on the FB but hey I need to pampered something isn't after the looooonnngg hours in the office? no?
Feel like to quit my job so that I can 100% take care my Leon boy but financial status how?....Nowadays every single things also need $$$$$$$....then we have mil or own mother to take care our kids so that we can go and works for $$$$$$....and they didn't ask much as refund after the hard works they did to us as well.....
I better stop before you guys knock off with my nagging, lol....here some randomly photos of my Leon boy what he's busy recently with....

Expose him to color pencil and he loves it and enjoy it very much....Although he still don't know how to match the color, most of time he will use only 1 color instead but hey he just a little boy with merely 2 & 1/2 years old boy....We don't know whether this kind of development is kind too slow for him or not, Thus, we are proud of him as he color inside the line with patiently....

This is another one which all in green color....lol...perhaps he's still young to be creative?

Sometimes I see him like such a mature boy....Why?....because most of time when he finished his milk he'll call "Mummy, I'm done"...and he'll hand over the empty milk bottle to me.....This photo taken when I'm in the morning shower to get ready to work....Poor little boy waiting for his Mummy and fell back to sleep....lol....
At this time when I continue with this draft, Leon boy has been diaperless for day time, know how to say small & big business. Also, he's chut-chut (pacifier) free.....